Capcom Announces Onimusha Way of the Sword, Marking the First New Title in the Series in Over 20 Years! Work on an Okami Sequel Project Begins!

Contributed by: Business Wire


Onimusha Way of the Sword (Graphic: Business Wire)
Onimusha Way of the Sword (Graphic: Business Wire)
Onimusha Way of the Sword is an all-new entry in the Onimusha series, coming in 2026. (Graphic: Business Wire)
Onimusha Way of the Sword is an all-new entry in the Onimusha series, coming in 2026. (Graphic: Business Wire)
Capcom has announced an Okami sequel project representing the start of a new tale for the series. (Graphic: Business Wire)
Capcom has announced an Okami sequel project representing the start of a new tale for the series. (Graphic: Business Wire)
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Mobile Entertainment
Electronic Games
Capcom Co., Ltd.