“Now, Next, Later” – 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square hosts inaugural Future of Technology in Arbitration (FOTA) conference
LONDON – Leading chambers 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square is hosting The Future of Technology in Arbitration 2022 (FOTA22) on 16 September 2022, along with fellow co-founders Opus 2 and Arbtech, bringing together leading international arbitration practitioners and technology experts from around the world. FOTA22 is the first ever global conference focused on the very latest in cutting-edge technologies that will transform arbitration as we know it today.
Paul Cohen, international arbitration specialist at 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square, says:
“This conference really is unlike anything ever done before. We’ll be offering a specially curated selection of technologies for people to experience first-hand alongside the people who created them. Looking at everything from the use of drone footage to augmented / virtual reality in arbitration and dispute resolution, we’re bringing together leading practitioners in arbitration and technical experts to explore the full possibilities of technology in arbitration.”
Cohen also highlights a particular first – a live, interactive hologram appearance by a leading arbitration specialist.
Bringing arbitration specialists and technology professionals together in a unique format, FOTA22 will have the newest and best legal technologies on display for demonstration and explanation, allowing attendees to experience them first-hand via the FOTA Showcase.
Amrit Dhanoa, barrister and Civil and Commercial Mediator at 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square, who is moderating a panel at the event, says:
“This conference was originally planned for 2020, but technology has accelerated so fast that many of the things we would have discussed then are commonplace now. So FOTA22 will be looking at the things that in the future might be equally commonplace – and what that means for arbitration and dispute resolution. This includes everything from AI to robot arbitrators: what would that reality look like and what challenges might that bring?”
Aimed at innovation leads and professionals at law firms and barristers’ chambers, lawyers interested in technology and knowledge management leads and professionals at law firms, this first of its kind conference will follow ICCA around the world biennially in years to come, showcasing the most significant technology developments for arbitration as the decade progresses.
A panel of expert speakers will examine, explore and debate these technologies through an arbitration lens and consider their impact not just on arbitration but on the wider sphere of alternative dispute resolution.
The conference will take place at the Institute of Engineering Technology in London on 16 September 2022, ahead of ICCA Edinburgh 2022.
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FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Kathryn Adamson, Kathryn@legalcomms.com, Mobile (+44) 0771 713 3595
4-5 Gray’s Inn Square is a leading public and commercial law chambers. The core areas of law are public, commercial, planning & property, dispute resolution, international, regulatory & disciplinary and sports. The International Arbitration Group at 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square comprises barristers and affiliated lawyers from around the world. The Group's members have participated, both as counsel and as arbitrators, in commercial arbitrations under the rules of every major arbitral institution, as well as in ad hoc (non-institutional) and investment treaty claims, and before the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
FOTA22 will take place at the Institute of Engineering Technology in London on 16 September 2022: https://www.fotaglobal.com