Kobo Resources Continues to Define its High-Grade Gold Targets at Kossou: 10.0 m at 4.57 g/t Au at the Road Cut Zone and 3.0 m at 6.17 g/t Au at the Jagger ZoneContributed by: Business WireLogoImagesFigure 2: Jagger Zone – Section JZ450 Simplified Geological Cross-Section (Graphic: Business Wire)Figure 4: Road Cut Zone – Section RCZ800 Simplified Geological Cross-Section (Graphic: Business Wire)Figure 5: Strong Alteration and Gold Mineralisation (10.0 m at 4.57 g/t Au) from Drill Hole KDD0056 (Graphic: Business Wire)Figure 6: Road Cut Zone – Section RCZ900 Simplified Geological Cross-Section (Graphic: Business Wire)Figure 7: Road Cut Zone – Section RC200 Simplified Geological Cross-Section (Graphic: Business Wire)TagsMining/MineralsNatural ResourcesJagger Zone Road Cut Zone