Lifezone Metals Announces Two-Phased Development Plan for the Kabanga Nickel Project in Tanzania

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Figure 1: Early Years Blend Composite locked-cycle flotation test work showing concentrate nickel grade versus. nickel recovery. Source: Bureau Veritas Minerals Pty Ltd, Project No. 4668, Locked Cycle Test 2 (LCT2 EYBC). The Locked Cycle Test final product result is based on the average performance of cycles 4 to 6 of the test, at steady state. The Locked Cycle Test curve is derived from the rougher concentrate only and the high-grade concentrate streams of the same test for the same cycles 4 to 6. The curve also reflects and is validated by the open-cycle testing results on the same Early Years Blend Composite sample.
Figure 1: Early Years Blend Composite locked-cycle flotation test work showing concentrate nickel grade versus. nickel recovery. Source: Bureau Veritas Minerals Pty Ltd, Project No. 4668, Locked Cycle Test 2 (LCT2 EYBC). The Locked Cycle Test final product result is based on the average performance of cycles 4 to 6 of the test, at steady state. The Locked Cycle Test curve is derived from the rougher concentrate only and the high-grade concentrate streams of the same test for the same cycles 4 to 6. The curve also reflects and is validated by the open-cycle testing results on the same Early Years Blend Composite sample.
Figure 2: Preliminary three-dimensional design view of the Kabanga Concentrator showing Phase 1 (1.7 million tonne per year; shown in color) and Phase 2 (1.7 million tonne per year; shown in grey) circuits in parallel for combined throughput of 3.4 million tonnes per year. Source: Lifezone Metals
Figure 2: Preliminary three-dimensional design view of the Kabanga Concentrator showing Phase 1 (1.7 million tonne per year; shown in color) and Phase 2 (1.7 million tonne per year; shown in grey) circuits in parallel for combined throughput of 3.4 million tonnes per year. Source: Lifezone Metals
Figure 3: Example of a pressure oxidation leach extraction curve for Kabanga concentrate indicating high recoveries of nickel, copper and cobalt are achievable within short timeframes. Source: Lifezone Laboratories, Test KABA-0145, one of 12 tests included in the average extraction figures quoted above.
Figure 3: Example of a pressure oxidation leach extraction curve for Kabanga concentrate indicating high recoveries of nickel, copper and cobalt are achievable within short timeframes. Source: Lifezone Laboratories, Test KABA-0145, one of 12 tests included in the average extraction figures quoted above.
Figure 4: Preliminary three-dimensional design view of the Kahama Hydromet Refinery showing the pressure oxidation (POX) and solvent extraction-electrowinning (SX-EW) areas. Phase 1 is shown in color and Phase 2 is in grey. Note some individual items in buildings omitted for clarity. Source: Lifezone Metals
Figure 4: Preliminary three-dimensional design view of the Kahama Hydromet Refinery showing the pressure oxidation (POX) and solvent extraction-electrowinning (SX-EW) areas. Phase 1 is shown in color and Phase 2 is in grey. Note some individual items in buildings omitted for clarity. Source: Lifezone Metals
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Kabanga Nickel Project